Lil Guy
Cool Peoples. His website is amazing. Go to it and he'll
personally give you ONE MILLION DOLLARS. (offer void in known universe)
DON giolitto's page. Do not cross him, or the family will have you sleeping with the fishes...CAPICE!
CeeStyle's Page
Supersmooth, SuperSultry, she's the Ceester. She's the best thing LA has to offer. Check out the SoCal's girl site and be overwhelmed. If that isn't enough to entice you there's a pic of me on her site : )
Jason's site
Its a business site. Not too exciting unless your REALLY into roofing, but he's one of my best friends
Russ's Site
Irish laddie. A ladiez man. Computer Nerd. A man for all seasons. There is a picture of me on his site, so ladiez you know what to do : )
Brandons page
Brandon's apge. He's the belchmaster. He's the man. He's a C++ /Flash/ HTML machine. His sisters Rock too.
comptia's website
Here you will find info on all of comptia's certifications;
A+ (for computer hardware technicians) Network+ (for network
technicans) and inet+ (for internet technicans and specialists).
Ahhhh Netware!!! A TRUE NOS. Help contribute to ACME A Cure For Mother Earth.
Repeat after me..."One world, one network!"
A real OS. Contains links to FTP sites and even has chatrooms
for all you *nix gurus and gurus to be.
Ever needed a driver for a PC real bad? Well, here's the place
for all your downloading needs!
A whole lotta stuff for all you peeps studying for certification.
They copious notes and study guides for
certifications from; MCSE (bleah), comptia, linux, and
Computer security portal.
There will be more in this section soon kiddies.
The discovery channels website. Not as good as it used to be, but
it is still somewhat interestin'.
New York Times on the web.
Well there are more links comin' later when I findz them.